Still "studying" A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe by Michael S. Schneider. And it touched on Borromean rings in chapter 3. No two rings interlock, but the 3 together lock as one. Now that seemed like a cool string...
PP3 Borromean Rings on a 3Z :-) |
This 3Z combines the Zentangle Project Pack 3 and the rings. Yup, the whole project on one small tile. The color is from gelatos and colored pencil. That background leaf in the photo is from a fun day with Washington CZTs learning about Eco dyeing. Thanks Lynn, that was a fun afternoon!
Zenith Borromean Rings on 3Z |
Another set of rings on another 3Z. Yah, it's a bit busy so you might not recognize it if I hadn't told you there were Borromean rings in there.
And then trying to break it down and actually assemble a set, I die cut 3 circular frames using nesting dies (but you could also draw them with a compass, or simply trace around a couple glasses).
E6 Fragment in a Zendala Ring. |
This first is simply a fragment, E6.
Zenith Zendala Ring |
Yes, another Zenith :-)
Zenith/Diva Dance Zendala Ring |
Surprise, Zenith with Diva Dance.
Borromean Rings meet Zentangle. |
And assembled after cutting slits in 2 of the rings.
Thanks for stopping in!