
Friday, September 11, 2015


Fleavy ATC
I've been playing with a new (to me) tangle by Hanny Waldburger, CZT of Zenjoy called Fleavy. It's an awesome tangle that I've enjoyed all week. It's sort of evolved, some Fleavy, some Zander and add a dash of Diva Dance here and there. If you'd like to see my earlier slider pen boxes check them out here. Have a great week, and thanks for sharing Hanny!
Slider pen box beginnings
After watercolor and some shading

Completed box with ATCs


  1. I have never heard of Fleavy and LOVE it.
    thanks so much for sharing your great tanglelations.

  2. Oops, I think I just sent you an email accidentally, instead of commenting here which is what I meant to do. Anyway: I hadn't heard of Fleavy before either, so thank you for pointing us to it and to the stepouts. I love its fluidity and the way you have used it on your tiles. Looking forward to trying it!
