
Zendala stringing class (previous class example)

*Registration for class has ended*

I'm not sure why, but sometimes a blank Zendala can be a little intimidating. Perhaps that there are no corners for the dots, or the idea that you think it needs to be symmetrical stops you short? Perhaps it's just that blank tile.  In this class we'll explore a method of easily stringing your Zendalas. There is no right or wrong way, but this method is an easy starting point.

I'll provide the tiles, pencil and protractor. You provide your pen of choice (suggested micron or apprentice pen).

It's recommended that you've had an introduction to Zentangle class from a CZT prior to taking this class, but it is possible for a self taught Zentangle enthusiast to play along. So check with me.

Class is $30 and will be 2 hours focusing primarily on the stringing process, but we will also touch on tangles like Paradox and Knightstar that emphasize lines creating curves.  Location of class is Vancouver WA USA.  (exact time and location to be announced)

***Contact me by 8/15/2016 if you're interested in class.***   To contact me you can complete the form at the bottom of this page (below the comment area) or you can go to my CZT page and link to my e-mail address.  It would be helpful if you could provide any exclusion dates between 8/20 and 9/12/2016. I will try to coordinate a class date and time that accommodates those interested.  If you've contacted me and think I haven't replied PLEASE CHECK TO SEE IF MY REPLY E-MAIL WENT TO YOUR SPAM or TRASH file. Thanks!

Here are some examples of My Zendalas utilizing this technique:


  1. Good morning, Betsy. I am out here enjoying being enriched by your tangles. I live in Tacoma so it is a bit of a drive to take a class but I am intrigued by your work. I have a friend who lives in east Vancouver. Is that anywhere near you? I am retired and my time is open but I do have obligations that I chose to keep. So, if the class happens I will try to get there. Best for me are weekdays especially Wednesdays. Some weekends can work but I am not sure at this point.

    Thanks for all the inspiration I find on your blog!

    I have worked with 2 CZTs in my area and understand the basics. I have not done much with Zendalas but keep being attracted by them.

    1. Hi Sharon... I sent you an e-mail reply! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I love your Zendala tiles! Would be great to visit your class!!! I am not glad that Germany is too far away :-/.... Must be fun and i would learn a lot :-)
    Thanks for sharing Betsy!
