
Friday, August 26, 2016

Only the ink is distressed...

Rubber stamps, ink and tangling. Sometimes it all works together so well.
Supplies used include a Penny Black stamp "single iris".
I forgot to take a photo of just the stamping. I used the ink pads to ink the stamp and added the purple Momento ink from the pen onto the stamp. I didn't have a dark purple distress ink, that's why I used the Momento. The two inks worked fine together. After I stamped onto damp watercolor paper, the image was pretty light and splotchy, so I touched up the stamping by scribbling some ink onto my craft sheet and using my waterbrush to pick up the inks to fill in any missed or light areas. Then I let it dry thoroughly before tangling with the black 005 Sakura Pigma Micron and the graphite Derwent Graphik line maker 0.1. Tangles used: Mooka, Skwim with Flux, Tipple and Stiritup. I added more distress ink to the tangles here and there with my waterbrush and added graphite shading and gray Fabrico marker (whoops, left it out of my supplies picture).
Here is the final result mounted on an A2 sized card I cut from gray cardstock.

Have a great week!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Infinitely Bossy 8's!

I've been having fun with Helen William's 8s patterns.  The Double 8's caught my eye and I thought I'd go with that.  But somehow they turned into quadruple 8s :)  When that happened, they reminded me of Margaret Bremner's Boss pattern, so I filled them in that way.  Then I added a touch of Infinity. So (of course!) it became Infinitely Bossy 8's!

My square Handbook journal is easier to draw in than most of my journals, probably because of the square page and smaller size, however it's still not as easy as a square tile.  I do really enjoy it though.  If you've been watching the Zentangle Mosaic app, you've seen lots of "graydations" or shades of gray.  I'm a little late to the party, but this one certainly qualifies!  In addition to my black micron and graphite pencils, I also used a Derwent Graphik Line Maker 0.1 pen (graphite color) to outline the gray flowers.  That way the outlines didn't smudge away when I blended the graphite pencil.  I started to fill in the center area with the graphik pen, but found it too dark and blotchy, so switched to pencil.  I also added some white pencil over the dark gray ink.

Friday, August 12, 2016


Is your micron tip damaged? Or maybe just working towards the last drop
of ink?  Don't let it frustrate you, just mark the pen and save it for this awesome tangle.  I PREFER a pen that skips or writes inconsistently for Enyshou using a very light touch versions anyway. And for "block out the world" meditation, this is my go to tangle.  Be sure to check out Maria's Enyshou here.

Here is my ATC cut from watercolor paper including that pressed watermark. When I flipped it over, it looked like a gem to me!   

And my squiggle string

(I call this wrapped version Enyshou-tamed.)

See how shading adds so much. 


I hope to continue seeing you here, however I am having computer woes. If I'm absent for awhile it means, likely, that the fun factor isn't outweighing the technical crap.  After all, I'd rather create art than pull my hair out over the computer stuff.

**IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN MY ZENDALA STRINGING CLASS  (see tab at the top of the page), contact me contact me by 8/15/2016.  For now, at least, that's still up and running!**

As Pooh would say .... Ttfn


Friday, August 5, 2016

Influence and inspiration

No doubt, our world influences us. If we're lucky, it's inspirational. I have liked the tangle Knightstar (thanks, Daniel Lemothe) since I first saw it. I especially liked how Molly Bee used it here (I've had it bookmarked for awhile now). I had planned on doing more with the tangle itself, but those parabolic lines got me side tracked. Along about that time, a friend and student got me going on Rick's Paradox again (hi Terry!). And the combination got me thinking about different ways to utilize those straight lines that form arcs and curves. Then, the Diva challenge last week helped me in moving forward with a class on stringing Zendalas using those lines. This week, voilĂ , Knightstar is the challenge.

 Here is my contribrution in the hopes I can inspire your world a little too.
***If you're in the Vancouver WA USA area and interested in my class on stringing Zendalas....check out the class tab above.***

Here is my Zendala prior to watercolor, hiliting and shading. I had just been checking out a card blog I follow and really liked Heather's contrast in color separated by the embossed lines of the stamp. While I didn't exactly accomplish that, I am rather fond of the result. I'm thinking that the suminigashi cover of my travel watercolor book influenced my color choice too. Thanks to all who influenced me along the way (noticed AND unnoticed by me...).
Enjoy your week...